Permatrio short film by Ultima @IN/PACT, Montreal

Permaculture transforms our relationship with nature, emphasising sustainable practices and minimal intervention. Based in Oslo, Norway, Permatrio integrates these principles into their music, including new commissions by Jan Martin Smørdal et al. Watch their captivating short film, commissioned by Ultima for the IN/PACT New Music Network Conference in Montreal in March 2024. Film by Jørgen Nordby.

Oktoberkonsert: Schola Cantorum i Universitetets Aula, Oslo

Bli med på en musikalsk reise med Schola Cantorum og et ensemble med tolv musikere i Sarah Kirkland Sniders “Mass for the endangered», et verk som må oppleves! Dette spennende verket tar oss med på en reise gjennom følelser og refleksjoner rundt natur, tap og håp. Det er første gang denne messen framføres i Norge.

Snider har skapt et verk som fanger essensen av vår tids utfordringer med utryddelse og miljøødeleggelse. Gjennom sin musikk tar hun oss med på en emosjonell reise som speiler tapet av dyrearter og naturen rundt oss.

“Mass for the endangered” kombinerer kraftfulle korarrangementer med soloinnslag fra koret og vakker instrumentering for harpe, klaver, slagverk, strykere og blåsere. Snider har en unik evne til å skape atmosfæriske lydlandskap.

Ikke gå glipp av denne enestående muligheten til å oppleve Sarah Kirkland Sniders “Mass for the endangered» live I Universitetets Aula 22.10! Mer info trykk her.

Permatrio til Høstriss 2023

Vi ønsker velkommen til konsert med Permatrio den 17.november. Permatrio fremfører musikk der vi lytter til og spiller på lag med naturen, inspirert av permakulturens filosofi og praksis. Permatrio fremfører improvisasjoner og tre nylig fremdyrkede verk av komponistene Jenny Hettne, Jan Martin Smørdal og Jonas Skaarud. Permatrio består av Sigrun Rogstad Gomnæs (slagverk), Elisabeth Holmertz (stemme) og Sunniva Rødland (harpe). For å komme til festivalens nettsider trykk her.

History of My Instrument in Gent, De Bijloke 2024

Concert: History of My Instrument in Belgium spring 2024. Rødland will be performing music using harp and electronics in the Concertzaal, De Bijloke, May 9 – 20:00. Composers: Steen-Andersen, Saariaho, Takemitsu, Fongaard, Barrett. More info:

Duo WP of Dendrophilia by Jan Erik Mikalsen

Dendrophilia received its world premiere @ Biermannsgården, Oslo in August 2021. The piece was commissioned by Birgitte Volan Håvik and Sunniva Rødland in 2020 and the world premiere was postponed due to the pandemic. Birgitte and I love the piece, a duo in four movements, approx.20 minutes in duration, in which the second harp is tuned a quarter tone lower than the first harp, creating a magical effect. We performed the piece a second time in Hurum kirke in October 2021 and are planning several future performances. Please contact us if you are interested in booking us for future events.

Birgitte Volan Håvik, harp – Sunniva Rødland, harp

Vortex Room to the Dutch Harp Festival 2022

Hopefully this is the year when we will finally present Vortex Room in Utrecht May 7th-8th @ Dutch Harp Festival. Due to the pandemic we have postponed our performance the last two years. We loved taking part in the digital festival of 2021 and are crossing our fingers that it will be possible to take part physically this year; so we can build our installation at Tivoli Vredensburg. Hope you are able to join us in an unforgettable 3D sound experience.

Erik Dæhlin, composer and visuals

Sunniva Rødland, polyphonic electric harp

With the support of:

New electronic solo works by Natasha Barrett & David Bratlie

Receiving the Norwegian Government Grants for Artists 2020-2022 has made it possible for me to develop new repertoire for the harp in the last few years. I have been working on multiple fronts; continuing to develop projects and focusing on climate challenges through the topics Permaculture and Rewilding. Currently, I am collaborating with the composers Natasha Barrett and David Bratlie, to develop two new works for harp and electronics. The Norwegian Arts Council and the Norwegian composers Society have funded the commissions. The world premieres will take place soon. More info will be coming. Please contact me if you are interested in booking of future events.

Permatrio program launch January 2023

Permatrio launched their program in January 2023. The concert was arranged by Periferien Concert Series at Kroloftet in Oslo. Four composers were asked to compose for our trio and we were very excited to finally present their music to our audience. We will be performing the program again at Høstriss (Østfold) in November 23. Please contact us for bookings or more info about the project.


Elisabeth Holmertz, voice – Sigrun Rogstad Gomnæs, percussion – Sunniva Rødland, harp and electronics


Jan Martin Smørdahl: jorda vendes, for voice, harp, percussion and electronics,

text by

Lars Mørch Finborud (excerpt from «vi lider av sol, vi lider av regn», 2022)



Jenny Hettne: T(h)ree, for soprano, harp, percussion and electronics (2021)

1. Habitat

2. It’s irreversible

3. As «blåvinge, sorgmantel, amiral»


Jonas Skaarud: Gardens, harp, percussion and electronics (2022)


Improvisation by Permatrio




Mer om Permatrio: Trykk her


Statens kunstnerstipend 2020-22

Sunniva Rødland received the Norwegian Government Grants for Artists from 2020-2022! Her project is about climate change, balance in nature and our interconnection with nature. On the agenda are commissions of new pieces, solo and chamber music, performances, recordings and developing her use of electronics and improvisation. First performances are scheduled for 2021. Stay tuned!