Oktoberkonsert: Schola Cantorum i Universitetets Aula, Oslo

Bli med på en musikalsk reise med Schola Cantorum og et ensemble med tolv musikere i Sarah Kirkland Sniders “Mass for the endangered», et verk som må oppleves! Dette spennende verket tar oss med på en reise gjennom følelser og refleksjoner rundt natur, tap og håp. Det er første gang denne messen framføres i Norge. […]

New electronic solo works by Natasha Barrett & David Bratlie

Receiving the Norwegian Government Grants for Artists 2020-2022 has made it possible for me to develop new repertoire for the harp in the last few years. I have been working on multiple fronts; continuing to develop projects and focusing on climate challenges through the topics Permaculture and Rewilding. Currently, I am collaborating with the composers […]

The Dutch Harp Festival Postponed to May 2021

Vortex Room will be visiting the Dutch Harp Festival in Utrecht May 15-16 2021! Experience the full installation of the polyphonic electric harp (developed by Sunniva Rødland and Notam) in the beautiful piece by Erik Dæhlin. 36 speaker elements, one for each string on the harp hangs from the ceiling, surrounding the audience. Multiple performances.

New CD available now!

😀 Check out my new CD “Postures” at LAWO store or e-mail me on sunnivaharpist at gmail.com to purchase!! Read the reviews by scrolling this post. 🙂 Nominated to Der Deutsche Klassikpreis ! WITH THE HARP AS HER MEANS OF EXPRESSION On the CD “Postures”, harpist Sunniva Rødland takes us into a tonal landscape that […]